pizza pull-apart and airplane plant

I’ll document my busy morning. Most mornings I like to read a bit of the Bible, jump a little on my mini-tramp, go to swim class at YMCA, or work around the house. Today I wanted to make the pizza pull-apart recipe I found. I also got tired of all the little airplanes coming off the airplane plant, so I potted a bunch up to give to the Mission Thrift Store – they love to get them!

I usually make sourdough bread at least 3 times a week; I decided to use part of that dough for my pull-apart pizza. Here it is rolled out into a rectangle and then covered with plastic so it won’t dry out too much. It remained there about 1 1/2 hours.

Next I cut up the cup of  Brussels sprouts while making the white sauce. Spread on the white sauce and then the Brussels sprouts, cheeses and pecans. (Here you see the correct spelling and capitalization of Brussels 🙂

Next comes the messy part – separating it into 5 pieces, then cut into 5 or 6 stacks, placing stacks against each other.

Then into the oven. I also made mac & cheese, heated up corn-on-the-cob, added to yesterday’s salad and took some cookies out of the freezer – ta da – – that’s our lunch !

We liked it ! Chuck washed dishes – thanks, Chuck!

The recipe – pizza pull-apart:

1 pkg. pizza mix (or your own dough)

1 c. shredded Brussels sprouts

1/3 c. blue cheese crumbles and more for garnish

1/2 c. Mozzarella cheese, shredded

1/3 c. chopped pecans

3 T butter, melted

salt and pepper

White sauce:

3 T butter

3 T flour

3/4 c. milk

Pinch nutmeg

salt and pepper

Preheat 350 degrees. Spray loaf pan. Oil or use parchment paper.

Roll out dough to 12″X20″ rectangle. Pour on white sauce, then Brussels sprouts, blue cheese, Mozzarella cheese & pecans.

Cut rectangle into 5 strips. Put on top of each other and cut into 5 or 6 stacks. Place stacks against each other in loaf pan. Bake 30 minutes, then pour butter on top. Bake 30 minutes more. Remove and cool before serving.

White Sauce: Melt butter. Whisk in flour, add milk, whisking. Thicken 5 minutes. Add nutmeg and salt and pepper.

And here are the plant pictures ready to take to thrift store as soon as the cardboard dries out from the watering.

Our Christmas elf-it picture – the video is funny – We have here Scott, me, our 2 children who are adults now and don’t live with us and Chuck who does live with us. What a riot!



garden update

Nice to work in the garden a bit ~ I pulled all the radishes. Yesterday I planted 5 tomato plants – 4 around the recycled blue wastebasket which I had drilled holes in on the bottom and sides to just above ground level. Then all you have to do is water in the container (after it’s filled with compost). Each plant needs 5 gallons a week, I think. Also, today I started a spiral herb garden – just need to find more bricks or rocks 🙂 I’ve always wanted one, and now must be the time !~

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The plan is not to have deer jump in the fence; Scott put up green fishing line way up high and tied white little rags around on it ~ sure wanting it to work !5.29.17memorialday 013.JPG

Last but not least, the newest key-hole garden. I just put all my old seeds in there a few weeks ago and this is what’s coming up – sunflowers or squash – we’ll have to wait & see.5.29.17memorialday 016


lilac and redbud time and maple seeds

The color is great !

When I saw the above picture of the redbud tree, I noticed the maple seeds. After all these years, I never even noticed the seeds came before the leaves. So I researched about maple seeds. They are edible in the Spring around this time or through the end of April. Our branches are way to high, but I found some on the ground the wind must have blown down at the park today. I tasted a seed and it was okay – they say they taste like a cross between peas and okra. I just threw the few that I had into our crock-pot soup. No one will know. Each helicopter has 1 or 2 seeds. In the fall they fly like a helicopter being designed by our Creator to fly far away from the tree. They are quite the pest in the Fall around here because they get in the gutters and we constantly have to clean them off the driveway where they land, actually not so far from the tree 🙂

My wedding ring kinda shows their size


I used to do some sprouting, but not for a while. Yesterday I went to a permaculture class and met a lady who several years ago had a brain tumor and other health issues. She said she is now a herbalogist. She recommended listening to Dr. Robert Morse on youtube, so I listened to him a bit and want to learn more from his videos. He talked about beans – how they were best if they were sprouted.

Here I put my 2 sprouters together and have mung beans, Amaranth and black-eyed peas. We’ll see how it goes !

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flowers and food

I love seeing these Iris flowers open up – so lovely.

My 10 day veggie fast/diet has been altered. I can’t keep up with day-to-day activities in starvation mode. I have decided to eat veggies 10 days per month and not to go over 3 days eating normal food until the 10 days of veggies are completed.

Today was a pancake kind of day for our family. Also put some of our garden turnip greens into the quinoa and lima beans and seasoned with Braggs Aminos and ginger powder. Was pretty good. And much of the salad was from our garden – spinach, violet leaves, carrot top leaves, green onions and parsley. Yum. And more radishes.