garden pictures

The photos uploaded this morning ~ I guess old faithful computer just needed a night’s rest.

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The plant stand Scott made.

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Tomato, basil, herbs, flowers, etc.

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coneflowers mostly

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our fenced in garden with deer guard on top ~ it’s working !

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spiral herb garden ~ work in process ~ the ginger mint is planted here so far.

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The tomato plants I thought would grow so large, but they are much smaller than the others planted in the key-hole gardens! I also planted cucumbers here which are starting to come up~!

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beans planted here in this KHG, also kale and garlic in the raised beds.

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This is where I planted old seeds and now all these squash plants are flourishing with lots of flowers and soon to be squash ~ can’t wait ~

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The tall tomato plants ~ ~ ~ ! ! !