Mrs. Cardinal and pressure point glove

Mrs. Cardinal shows up at our feeder but not as much as the Mr. Here she is hiding in the tree.

At a thrift store last Wednesday I bought this glove for 75 cents. It is the pressure points on your hand you can press on to help various parts of the body. A decent and helpful thing : ) Click on photo for better reading. ehow tells more about this
This is basically shiatsu. says the following about it.

What is shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a Japanese form of bodywork. The word shiatsu means “finger pressure”, and shiatsu is sometimes described as a finger pressure massage.

I think there’s some good accomplished by this sort of thing.

beautiful fall day

a cool video sent by my uncle

This sunset picture was of a few days ago and also the chickadee at the bird feeder.

This morning I took dog and walked at the park and picked up two bags of trash. People fish there and leave a lot of trash behind. It cooled off after I got back. Now I need to do laundry, work with the sourdough bread and sew plus clean up around the house.

Chickadees are so quick but fun to watch.

nov. 10

Last night I mixed up the sourdough starter. Looking forward to using it, but will make muffins today; phasing out quick yeast bread.

Played dominoes with Charlotte, Margaret, Joe and Helen this morning for 1 hour. I won : ) Then came home and took the dog for a walk and then raked 3 sheet fulls of leaves. May rain Friday. Hopefully we will walk tomorrow too at Watkins Mill.

Today was gorgeous out there. I picked up a bunch of trash but only had one small bag. Will go back another time with a trash bag.